The latest 2021 double glazing trends that you need to know!
No home improvements or project can be complete without featuring beautiful double glazing in some form. From energy efficient double glazed windows to aluminium bifold doors, or even a stunning lantern roof. All of these double glazed products maximise the natural light into a Peterborough home whilst enhancing the sense of space within a room.
Have you have lots of home improvement ideas and do not know where to start? Why not take a look at some of our hottest trends for 2021? These double glazing ideas will inspire you on how to renovating your Peterborough home into a stunning property.
The latest double glazing trends we have noticed is that homeowners are replacing wall space with window. By installing large double glazed windows will increases transparency and light into a property. This has been a progressive trend within the double glazing manufacturing for many years now! It does not seem to be fading, as natural light will never go out of fashion.
With the ongoing innovation within the glazing industry, glass technology and thermal performance of glass has become a primary focus during home improvements. Sustainable glazing materials whilst reducing UV glare while maintaining thermal performance has become extremely important.
Here are some of our latest trends when it comes to double glazing in2021.

Aluminium Bifold doors
Our aluminium bifold doors combine the very best aluminium materials whilst delivering high performance double or triple glazing. Both window units provide outstanding energy efficiency solutions.
These bi-folding doors can be conformed in numerous configurations that will best suit your Peterborough home and lifestyle.
When it comes to colour there is no greater range of solid or bespoke colours. You may choose to opt for an anthracite grey on either sides, or a two toned door the choice is yours.
Aluminium bifold door hardware is out of this world. Integrating the latest technology in security and motionless sliding of all doors. When you combined with the bifold doors elegant design and features, makes this a perfect fit for any Peterborough, Stamford and Huntingdon home.
Security features
All doors are installed with shoot-bolt 10-point locking system, not forgetting the 3 hook locking and latch on the master (traffic doors).
Combining its high security with the aluminium sleek design, maintenance free, robust hardware, ensures that your Peterborough home will be safe a secure at all times.

Aluminium Front Doors
Aluminium front doors are increasing popularity throughout Peterborough, Stamford and Huntington areas. Many double glazing companies believe that this is due to the overall cost of aluminium front doors have dropped. As popularity increases this forces competition between aluminium door manufacturers, driving down prices and increasing aluminium door designs.
There is a lot more aluminium door designs and colours to choose from now! This makes it a more affordable solution when it comes to a large door openings. Many Victorian style properties have large wooden doors that look incredible. However, when they require replacing or repaired this can be costly. To replace a large wooden door will be extremely expensive. This will due to the expense of timber and the limited skilled craftsmen to create these doors.
However, a bespoke aluminium door would be the perfect substitute as these stunning designs can easily fit into any style house.
Strength and durability
Your front door will be the main entrance into your home. It therefore needs to look stunning, but also safe and secure as well! Aluminium is extremely robust not forgetting durable, keeping your Peterborough home safe from unwanted guests. Aluminium doors can stand up to much greater force than uPVC, timber or composite doors.
Stylish Front Doors
There is no better way of upgrading your kerb appeal and enhancing your home security, than instalingl a replacement uPVC, Composite or aluminium front door! Depending on where you live will depend on the style of door that will best suit your property. If you live in a country style property then a stable door or even a composite door with diamond would be the best solution. However, a 2 panel Victorian style door might look out of place in the country. However, it will look stunning in a Victorian style property in Peterborough town centre. The choice of colours is out of this world, we guarantee that we have the perfect colour for you. Combining style, furniture and a huge colour range, you can truly make a statement whilst showing off your personality with your new front door!
Black Double Glazed Windows
White windows have been the classic choice for replacement windows for several years now. However, we have seen a growing demand for sleek black windows in both uPVC and aluminium throughout Peterborough.
Black uPVC windows have become the new trend. Not only does our replacement uPVC windows minimise the effect on the environment, but these materials will also reduce your carbon foot print at the same time. Over the last two to three years we have seen more and more Peterborough homeowners opting for black windows. Black uPVC and black aluminium windows have definitely become the latest trend.
Black windows have become increasingly popular as these window frames add a lavish feel to the outside of the property. This creates a modern appearance to both traditional and contemporary properties.
Many of our Peterborough, Stamford and Huntingdon customers are getting in touch for ideas on how to make their home lighter, warmer and more secure. As many of us are spending more time working from home, not forgetting home schooling. We are now looking for more ways to add living space, more natural light, whilst increasing thermal performance. By opting to replace old windows and doors for energy efficient double glazing will not only save you money, but will flood your home with natural light creating a beautiful environment to work and live from!
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