What are the main Benefits of Tilt and Turn Windows?
Tilt and Turn windows are particularly a new products as they have been available throughout the Europe for decades. However saying this the popularity of these double glazed windows have only just becoming prevalent throughout the UK. The benefits of changing existing double glazed windows to tilt and turn are huge. Firstly when it comes to the cutting-edge functionality that the tilt and turn windows provide is the key feature. The tilt and turn windows combine 3 different types of window function into one. Firstly we have the fixed window, then inward swing, lastly the hopper window. To make this easy to understand, when the handle is placed into the downward position then the window is locked, this is why it is called the fixed window. Then if the handle is then turned 90 degrees, the window will then swing inward. Moving the handle to 180 degrees or the upward position, then the window will tilt open.

Probably the greatest benefit of the tilt and turn windows is the enhanced ventilation that it offers. These windows offer top ventilation which allows warm room temperature to escape via the top of the window. Top ventilation is extremely practice when trying to prevent a strong breeze from entering your property. By simply turning the handle by 90 degrees allows plenty of air to flow through into the room whilst the dual option allows the opening to be controlled providing precise air control.
Easy to Clean
When it comes to double glazed windows it is usually very difficult to clean the outside of the windows. Especially when it comes to high level buildings such as flats or three story buildings. However, tilt and turn windows offers the ability to clean the outside of the windows with ease. When the handle is turned to the appropriate position, then these windows can be easily turned to a safe position where these windows can be cleaned from inside the property. There is no need for external ladders or hanging outside the window. So routine maintenance and cleaning can easily achieved from a simple turn of the window handle.
Greater Sealed Gaskets
When it comes to performance the tilt and turn windows easily outweigh their competitors. Due to the unique operation of these windows creates a better sealed unit creating an extremely air-tight window. Typical sliding, single hung or double hung windows are much more likely to allow air or water to leak via the seal over time. However, the tilt and turn windows create a much greater air-tight product than its counterpart.
Better Security
For the tilt and turn window to operate in such a way then it requires much more robust internal hardware with several locking points.
If an intruder for instance tried to force this window open from the exterior, then the swing hinge would oppose this movement. While the tilt position would also assist in preventing this movement even when providing ventilation. The inward tilt would allow the window to remain open whilst preventing any additional movement to open the window from unwanted guests. So regardless of what position the tilt and turn window is locked into, the hinge position and locking mechanism prevents this window from being opened fully by intruders.
Whether you are purchasing aluminium or uPVC tilt and turn windows when it comes to additional features your options are limitless. When you combine our stunning handles, frame colours, glazing types, and different frame choices, this delivers a custom built window for your property. When it comes to window frame colour we offer a huge range of standard colours, however if you require something more unique, we can practically match any RAL colour for you. When it comes to glazing choices, we offer a vast variety of options including double glazed, triple glazed and toughened windows.
Hidden Sash
Many customers are opting for a hidden sash design, this mimics the appeal of a fixed window whilst offering the function and practicality of a fully functional tilt and turn window. The hidden sash allows the architectural lines to remain consistent and uniformed regardless of the window size and type window.
Hidden Window Hinges
The tilt and turn windows are available with hidden hinges presenting a clean, natural appearance. This sleek presences indicates an elusive appeal of a fixed window whilst remaining fully operative.
Larger Window Sizes Available
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